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honeybee Constitution & By-Laws…

Haywood County Beekeepers Association

Constitution and By-Laws

Of the Haywood County Beekeepers Chapter, A Chapter of The North Carolina State Beekeepers Association, Inc. (NCSBA)

Article I

Section I: Name: The name of this organization shall be Haywood County Beekeepers Chapter (HCBC) a unit of the North Carolina State Beekeepers Association (NCSBA).

Article II

Section I: This chapter shall be a non-profit organization, formed exclusively for its members to pursue together all matters relating to honey bees and the beekeeping industry, for the benefit of the members and the general public.

Section II: The objectives shall be to encourage better management methods among the beekeepers of the county and state, to promote cooperation, to reach common understanding regarding our problems and their solutions, to maintain friendly and helpful relations with those forces that are working to better the beekeeping industry, to develop markets for beekeeping products, to foster closer cooperation among members of the chapter, and to do such things as will tend to improve purposes exclusively for its members and the general public relation to honey bees and the beekeeping industry.

Section III: Should this chapter undergo dissolution; its assets will be distributed to charitable organizations by the last formally elected officers of the HCBC.

Article III 

Section I: Anyone interested in beekeeping and the beekeeping industry may join the chapter upon payment of regular annual dues. All members who have paid their annual dues shall have the right to vote.

Article IV
Officers /Directors

Section I: Officers: The officers of the chapter shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer who shall be elected to a two-year term by a majority vote of the members present at the regular November meeting of the chapter. President and Treasurer shall be elected in November of the odd numbered calendar year. Vice-President and Secretary shall be elected in November of the even numbered calendar year.

Section II: Directors: Four directors shall serve for two year terms who shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present at the regular November meeting of the chapter. Two members shall be elected in November of the odd numbered calendar year. The other two members shall be elected in November of the even numbered calendar year.

Section III: The officers and directors shall constitute the Executive Committee of the HCBC. The immediate past president of the HCBC and Haywood County Cooperative Extension Service staff member shall serve as ex-officio members of the Executive Committee.

Section IV: Once elected, the officers serve at the pleasure of the membership. Directors, if there is a vacancy, can be appointed by the President to serve out a term of the vacated position. Officers may not serve in that particular office for more then two consecutive terms. No person shall be elected for any office without his or her consent.

Article V
Dues, State Association, Membership Categories        

Section I: Dues: HCBC dues shall be reviewed annually by the Executive Committee at its mid­year meeting and the annual dues either affirmed or changed for the coming year depending on program initiatives and budget realities. Memberships and renewals are payable to the HCBC and sent to the Treasurer by December for the coming year. Any person who has been dropped from active membership for non-payment of dues may be restored to active membership by payment of the current year's dues.

Section II: State Association: Members of the chapter can become members of the North Carolina State Beekeepers Association by paying state dues ($15 per year) either to the HCBC Treasurer or to the State Association Treasurer.

Section III: NCSBA Life members and Honorary Members are excused from payment of county chapter dues and have the same rights and privileges afforded them by the NCSBA as stated in the Constitution and By-Laws of the State Association. North Carolina State Permanent paid members and Commercial members shall pay regular annual dues to the local chapter to hold membership in the HCBC.

Article VI

Section I: There shall be regular monthly meetings, except for July and December or for other activities such as the annual bee school. Special meetings may be called by the Executive Committee.

Article VII 

Section I: Executive Committee: The Executive committee shall consist of all the elected officers of the chapter and shall have the authority to transact business on behalf of the chapter when it is not in session.

Section II: Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members appointed by the President whose duty will be to nominate the present a slate of officers and directors for consideration by the membership for the enduing year. Other names may be submitted from the membership at large at the time of election of officers and directors.

Section III: Special Committee: Special Committee and Standing Committees shall be appointed by the President consisting of three members whose duty will be to serve as directed by the President.

Article VIII 

Section I: Twenty voting members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any regular meeting. Five shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Committee.

Article IX
Duties of Officers and Directors

Section I: President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the chapter using regular parliamentary usage and Robert's Rules of Order. The President shall appoint special committees as deemed necessary, fill vacancies of directors and officers, and perform such other duties as the chapter may direct. The President shall be authorized to make deposits and disburse all monies, should the Treasurer be unable to perform those duties.

Section II: Vice-President: It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to perform the duties of the President in his or her absence, or upon the President's request. The Vice-President shall serve as the program chairman, responsible for making arrangements for the programs, securing the speakers, and securing a meeting place for the meetings.

Section III: Secretary: The Secretary shall keep an accurate recording of the minutes and all transactions of the chapter. He/She shall conduct such correspondence as may be necessary, and assist with any special committee or standing committee as determined by the Executive Committee and President.

Section IV: Treasurer: The Treasurer shall collect annual dues from members, issue membership cards, and notify those members after December 31st who are delinquent in paying of dues. The Treasurer shall be custodian of all monies received by the chapter and keep full and accurate records, showing the receipts and disbursements of all monies. The Treasurer shall close the chapter's books at the end of the fiscal year and make a complete report on the membership and financial standing of the chapter at that time. He/She shall see that the President is authorized by the bank holding the chapter's account to make deposits and disburse monies if the Treasurer is unable to perform these duties. He/She shall maintain an active roll of the membership. He/She shall present all records and books to the Executive Committee for examination and auditing at the end of the fiscal year. He/She, at the end of his/her term, shall have all records and books audited and shall deliver them to his or her successor, including papers, monies, and all other property of the chapter which may be in his/her possession.

Section V: Directors: The four Directors shall serve on the Executive Committee. Two directors are elected each November for two year terms. Each director shall co-chair a committee with an elected officer on one of four standing committees: Finance and Membership, Internal Communications, External Communications and Resources. Directors may serve as a Director only for two consecutive two year terms.

 Article X 
Affiliated Organizations

Section I: The HCBC shall be affiliated with the NCSBA and sustain cooperative relationships with other entities to promote the mission and objectives of the chapter.

Article XI 
Honey Queen

Section I: If desired, the chapter may select a Honey Queen to serve for one year.

Article XII

Section I: Any article or any section of any article may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of all members providing proposed amendments have been presented to the Executive Committee for their recommendations and have been presented in writing to the entire membership at least 30 days before being presented to the membership.

Article XIII 
Repealing Clause

Section I: Repealing Clause: Upon acceptance by vote of the Chapter, this Constitution and By­-Laws supersedes all previous Constitution and By-Laws.

Section II: Adoption: This Constitution and By-Laws was read and adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of all members present at the regular meeting held on 04 January 2011 at Haywood County Extension office, Waynesville, NC.









Haywood County Beekeepers Chapter of the NC  State Beekeepers Association
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