HCBC Calendar of Events…

The Haywood County Beekeeper Chapter (HCBC) meets on the first Tuesday of each month at the Haywood County Extension Center, located at 589 Raccoon Road, Waynesville, NC 28785, from 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

If you are not a member of the hive, or your membership expired and you would like to renew it, then print and fill out the membership form and either mail it to our office or bring it to our next monthly meeting. Our agenda is below.

Fly to Top Bar

Members who are present at the monthly meetings will become eligible for a door prize, refreshments will be served, and guests are always welcome to join us. In the event of inclement weather, meetings will be canceled per the Haywood County schools closing schedule. All meeting dates are subject to change, due to availability of speakers and/or conflict with holidays.





Monday - January 6


Board Meeting (2-4 PM)

Tuesday - January 7


Ed Speer

Early Session (6:15 PM) - Issues with beekeeping in January.

Monthly Meeting- (7 PM), - moved to April.

Tuesday - February 4

John Gears

Scott Davis

Early Session (6:15 PM) - Assessing Equipment & Ordering Bees

Monthly Meeting (7 PM), Bear Fencing - discussion about IF and HOW to protect your apiary against bears.

Saturday - March 1

Allen Blanton, Zach, Lewis Cauble, Beth Sain,  Tina Wegmann, Rick Queen, Judi Donovan

2025 Beekeeping School: 8:00 AM- 4:30 PM; (makeup day March 15) this year we are conducting an "onsite" school for new beekeepers with a Field Day to be held on April 12 at 12 PM.

To register call:

Brother Allen at 828-400-1735 or

for more info call Tina at 828-734-4176

Cost $60/person or $80/ couple (with one textbook) or $100 if you require two textbooks. High school students - $30

Catered lunch and snacks included.

Registration fee includes 2025 membership in the Haywood County Bee Chapter and enrollment in a raffle for a package of live bees (value $150).

Tuesday - March 4

John Gears

Jon Robertson - Hooper's Creek Bee Supply

Early Session (6:15 PM) - How and when to feed colonies.

Monthly Meeting (7 PM) John discussion will focus on conducting SPLITS.

Tuesday - April 1

John Gears

Ed Speer

Board Meeting (5 PM)

Early Session (6:15 PM) - NONE

Monthly Meeting (7 PM), - the new NCSBA Certified Honey Producers Program Chair will be speaking about honey plants.

Saturday - April 12

Allen Blanton, Zach

2025 Beekeeping School Field Day (12 PM - 2 PM), to be held onsite at Haywood Community College Apiary on 172 Armory Dr, behind the Public Services Building. Please RSVP to Allen at brotherallenapiary@gmail.com, if you plan to attend.

Tuesday - May 6

John Gears

Bob Binnie

Early Session (6:15 PM) - Bee Diseases and Identification

Monthly Meeting (7 PM), Bob will discuss Understanding Queen acceptance and Supercedure

Tuesday - June 3

John Gears

Zach - HCC Bee Instructor

Early Session (6:15 PM) - Honey Harvesting

Monthly Meeting (7 PM), - Honey Bee Pests, Diseases, and control methods.

July - TBD


Board Meeting (2-4 PM)

Tuesday - July 1

Saturday - July 12


Rick Queen

Monthly Meeting (7 PM), - No Regular Meeting

Field Day, (2-4 PM) Queens Apiary located at 96 Henson Cove Rd Canton, NC.

Tuesday - August 5

John Gears

Eric Talley

Early Session (6:15 PM) - Mite Treatment

Monthly Meeting (7 PM), At Large - Controlling varroa mites without using chemicals, VIA Zoom

Tuesday - September 2

John Gears

Tina Wegmann

Early Session (6:15 PM) - Preparing for Winter

Monthly Meeting (7 PM), - Honey Tasting and Black Jar contest.

October - TBD


Board Meeting (2-4 PM)

Tuesday - October 7

John Gears

Beth Sain, Tina Wegmann

Early Session (6:15 PM) - Record Keeping

Monthly Meeting (7 PM), - The essentials of beeswax, and what you can make from it.

Tuesday - November 4

John Gears


Early Session (6:15 PM) - Splitting Colonies

Monthly Meeting  (7 PM) - TBD

Tuesday - December 2

No Speaker

Holiday Meal - (6 PM)

honeybee 2025 Monthly Meetings and Agendas Haywood County Beekeepers Chapter of the NC  State Beekeepers Association
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